On Feb. 23, 2022, the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) released their latest edition of the International Review of the Red Cross, with a thematic focus on ‘Counterterrorism, sanctions and war’. The edition is comprised of 32 articles that all touch on one fundamental question: “How can the global community safeguard principled humanitarian action from the negative impacts of counterterrorism measures, including sanctions?” It unpacks how International Humanitarian Law (IHL) and counterterrorism (CT) measures come in contact with one another, the tensions and problems this creates, and solutions to address these challenges. The edition covers how CT measures have undeniably caused harm to the humanitarian sector writ large, emphasizing harm caused to humanitarian beneficiaries and staff, and to aid delivery. Ultimately it is an exploration in “how to bring all this back to balance.”
The 32 articles range from interviews and editorials from humanitarians, lawyers, practitioners, academics, and diplomats, and covers an array of topics, including:
- “Counterterrorism, sanctions and war;
- Relationship between counterterrorism law and IHL;
- Sanctions and other counterterrorism measures: A legal and policy debate;
- Impact of sanctions and other counterterrorism measures on the humanitarian space;
- State responses to terrorism;
- Financial access, de-risking and the role of the banking sector.”
We congratulate our members and partners who contributed to this important body of work.
You can view the full edition here; a video primer by Bruno Demeyere, Editor-in-Chief here; and can register for a launch event in partnership with CSIS here.