In the unlikely event that your organization becomes the focus of a government investigation or enforcement action, you should know how to respond in a way that does not further jeopardize your operations, donors, staff or programs. These resources can help you prepare for interactions with state or federal officials.
Featured Resources
Webinar – Congressional Investigations: Could Your Nonprofit Organization Be Next?
Earlier this year, a House of Representatives Committee sent letters to a handful of nonprofits, accusing them of acting as foreign agents. In the wake of this attempt to stifle constitutionally protected speech, nonprofits
InterAction’s New Disinformation Toolkit
A new toolkit from InterAction takes nonprofits through the steps to protect themselves from disinformation online. The Disinformation Toolkit provides a list of terms, a discussion of disinformation's effect on civil society and case studies. The
IRS Audits: How to Avoid or Prepare
This six-page guide is part of the Charity & Security Network's Know Your Rights series, designed to create a defensive shield for nonprofits in the current political environment. (Please note that the links in the images below are
Can Your Organization Survive an IRS Audit?
Is your organization taking steps to avoid the possibility of an IRS audit? If your organization is chosen for an audit, do you know what to do to ensure that the process goes as smoothly
IRS Audits – For More Information
The following links will guide you to additional information on IRS audits of nonprofit organizations: Exempt Organizations – Help from the IRS IRS Annual Audit Plans IRS Audit Technique Guides
Webinar – Are My Peacebuilding Activities Permissible?
The 2010 Supreme Court ruling in Holder v. Humanitarian Law Project had a chilling effect on peacebuilders working abroad and left practitioners worrying that their work might run afoul of US counterterrorism law. Seven years later, many