{"id":4327,"date":"2019-04-15T12:07:41","date_gmt":"2019-04-15T16:07:41","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/charityandsecurity.org\/?p=4327"},"modified":"2020-09-08T13:01:12","modified_gmt":"2020-09-08T17:01:12","slug":"summary_unscr_2462","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/charityandsecurity.org\/humanitarian-safeguards\/summary_unscr_2462\/","title":{"rendered":"Summary of UN Security Council Resolution 2462 on Counter Terrorist Financing"},"content":{"rendered":"

The UN Security Council unanimously passed\u00a0Resolution 2462<\/a><\/strong>\u00a0to \u201cCombat, Criminalize Financing of Terrorists, Their Activities\u201d on March 28, 2019. It is binding on all member states and can be enforced by UN sanctions. Sponsored by France, Resolution 2462 is the results of\u00a0intense behind-the-scenes negotiations<\/a><\/strong>, including efforts by civil society to include clear safeguards for humanitarian and peacebuilding activities as well as cautions against further bank derisking of nonprofit organizations (NPOs). It is the first comprehensive UN resolution on countering financing of terrorism (CFT), incorporating a patchwork of previous resolutions and broadening CFT efforts to address new threats and improve investigation and enforcement activities.\u00a0 Notably, Resolution 2462 requires member states to take international humanitarian (IHL), human rights law (IHRL) and refugee (IRL) law into account and make CFT efforts consistent with these existing legal obligations. These safeguards, which are weaker than what civil society proposed, will require civil society engagement at both the UN and member state level to build understanding of what IHL, IHRL and IRL require and advocate for appropriate implementation. This engagement will be a major factor in how Resolution 2462 impacts civil society, as there are no clear enforcement mechanisms for violations of these human rights and humanitarian standards.<\/p>\n<\/div>